Pen pals
I am fortunate to have a lot of very talented and ambitious friends who have gone beyond articles to writing and editing fiction and non-fiction. Others have started new magazines, websites and businesses. Please take a look at these works below. In BOOKS, click on a cover and you can read more about the work and find a link to purchase. In BUSINESS, click on a banner to take you to the website.
Magazines, Blogs, Businesses

CoJo Productions
This is the site for the production company of my mum-in-law, Pru Colville, and her husband Jon Matthews. I am so proud of their work and glad they have a site that shows it off! Click to it here.

Book Therapy
Alison Fraser doesn’t just provide editorial services — she invites all reading enthusiasts to seek and give comfort through the written word. Click here.
Lost in the Woods
This is the band page for the group featuring my brother-in-law, Nathan Brand, on bass. The site is here.

Sweden with Love by Ulrica Wihlborg
I have no idea how she does it, but Ulrica Wihlborg does a People-quality site all on her own! She has monthly cover stories on fascinating celebrities but done in a classy, comfortable style. Please check it out here.

Go Inspire Go with Toan Lam
I met Toan Lam at an AAJA convention in Boston where we both spoke on a panel. We formed a quick bond, one reinforced over the years as we have both encouraged each other in our field. Go Inspire Go is his labor of love, a site and a brand dedicated to telling stories of people doing good and then encouraging others to be agents of change. Please check it out here.

MaraMovies by Mara Reinstein
While I met Mara in the thick of Survivor jungles and mangroves, she became an established film critic at Us Weekly. Now she is an independent voice. Read her reviews here!

Nourish Kitchen in Berry, NSW
I met Michelle Darlington through photographer Sharon Hickey and knew her at first as a photographer, too. She had also, though, competed in the first season of Australia's uber-popular MasterChef. Now Michelle is thriving as the owner of Nourish Kitchen + Lifestyle, a shop in the picturesque southern NSW town of Berry. Check out her site here.

Black Jelly Films
This is the site for our pals Eddy Gill and Sonia Bible and the work they do (camera, film editing, documentary). Check out their sizzle reel here.

Lensjack by Jack Kelley
My first bureau chief in the LA office of People is now a photographer. Check out his work here!

Blue Garnet Consulting
Childhood friend Way-Ting Hill is a pioneer of consulting with a conscience. Check out her company's work here.